Department Highlights
Dual Credit Senior Theology is offered through SLU and transfers to other colleges as well. Electives include Church History Through the Saints and Ecumenism & Inter-religious Dialogue.
The school offers many retreats and service opportunities. The Mission Trip, that takes place every summer, is a good way for students to extend their service work to other parts of the country. Every year the freshman gather for the Freshman Retreat Day and it is a way for them to be welcomed into the ND family and bond with each other. Sophomore Retreat Day is a continuance of the Freshman Retreat Day and follows the same concept. Emmaus Retreat (Juniors) is a good way for the juniors to continue on their spiritual road and grow as a class. Kairos Retreat (Seniors) is the final retreat offered at ND and is a way for seniors to really open up to each other and bond as a class.
The school’s Campus Ministry group helps to prepare liturgies.
Extracurricular Activities
Women in God’s Service (WiNGS)
The St. Joseph’s Club
Theology Department Staff

Classes: Theology IV
Additional Duties: Summer Mission Trip Coordinator; Kairos Retreat Director; Franciscan Volunteer Program Coordinator
Degrees and Certifications: B.S. from Maryville University; M.A. in Religious Education from Loyola University; Master Level Catechist Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
Recognitions: VFW Teacher of the Year (2012); Cape Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year (2017); Diocesan Teacher of the Year (2018)
Professional Memberships: National Catholic Educational Association
2024-2025: 24 Years of Service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Theology III
Additional Duties: Junior Homeroom & Moderator; St. Joseph’s Club Advisor; Campus Ministry; Emmaus Retreat Director
Degrees and Certifications: B.A. in Theology and Youth Ministry from Franciscan University of Steubenville
2024-2025: 7 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Theology II; Ecumenism; Junior Composition; English III
Additional Duties: Sophomore Homeroom & Coordinator; Women in God’s Service (WinGS) Advisor; Students for Life Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: B.S. in Special Ed. from Quincy University; Master of Arts in Religious Education from Felician University; Additional Certification Endorsements: Language Arts, Music, Multiple Disabilities B-12, Behavior Intervention Specialist
Professional Memberships: Missouri Association for the Education of Young Children; National Association of Special Education Teachers; National Catholic Educational Association
2024-2025: 9 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Theology I
Additional Duties: Freshman Homeroom & Moderator
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Southeast Missouri State University
2024-2025: 1st year of service to Notre Dame High School