Audrey Deken Wins Create-A-Crunch Essay Contest
Notre Dame will have its very own cereal this spring! Notre Dame senior Audrey Deken won Gilster-Mary Lee's 2023 Create-A-Crunch essay contest. Audrey will be working with Gilster-Mary Lee to create an ND branded cereal and cereal box design. Gilster-Mary Lee received over 400 essay submissions from students in Missouri and Illinois. Congratulations Audrey!
Suna Mungee Named Honor Society Ambassador
Notre Dame senior Suna Mungee has been selected to the Ambassador Leadership Program by the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). Suna was selected out of hundreds of applicants for demonstrating strong academic achievement and a commitment to community service. Each year, student members of NSHSS are invited to apply for leadership roles responsible …
Notre Dame Sunday & Blue Out The Pews
Students from Notre Dame Regional High School will be speaking during Masses on November 4 & 5 about words that describe Notre Dame. Students will be asking fellow parishioners to support their classmates during the Notre Dame Sunday Annual Appeal on November 11 & 12. This year’s appeal is focused on supporting Notre Dame operations. …
Activity Week 2023 Results
Thank you to the Notre Dame community for supporting us during Activity Week 2023! As a school, we raised a net profit of $318,397.94, with $749.17 per capita! That's the highest profit and highest per capita in school history! Top Salespersons in Each Category Candy: Lily Brotherton with $600.00 Trash Bags: Joe Stroup with $11,570.00 …
Midweek Motivation
Midweek Motivation is back at ND for the 2023-2024 school year! Join us each Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. in the Chapel for morning Mass with ND chaplain, Fr. Alexander Sutachan. All are welcome: students, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff and community members. We will kick off Midweek Motivation for the school year on Wednesday, August …
SADD Club Attends Traction Conference
Members of the Notre Dame SADD Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) attended the Teens Taking TRACTION to Prevent Traffic Crashes Conference July 16-18. This conference is sponsored by the Cape Girardeau Police Department Safe Communities Program and the Missouri Department of Transportation Highway Safety & Traffic Division. The TRACTION Program is designed to empower high …
Did You Know? Notre Dame Counseling Office
During the 2019-2020 school year, the Notre Dame Counselors’ Office hired its third certified counselor, completing the transition from Guidance Office to Counselors’ Office. The school’s three counselors are all nationally certified, hold a master’s degree in their field, and uphold ethical and professional standards. Director of the Counselors’ Office Amanda Mueth said, “We have …
NDHS Faculty & Staff Changes for 2023-2024
Detailed below are new staff and coaches, position changes and retirements for the 2023-2024 school year. Jeremy Brinkmeyer Jeremy Brinkmeyer has been named the head boys’ basketball coach for Notre Dame. Brinkmeyer, a 2005 Notre Dame graduate, has 15 years of coaching experience at Oran High School, Notre Dame Regional High School, and most recently …
Notre Dame SADD Club Wins “CreativityTwist” Contest
The Notre Dame SADD Club participated in the Class 4 Division of the 2022 AAA Buckle Up Phone Down High School Showdown and won the “CreativityTwist” contest. The club received a donation of $500 to go toward a student safety program as a gesture of appreciation for the Notre Dame community taking a vested interest …