Rep. Jason Smith has appointed ND senior J.P. Schuchardt to the U.S. Naval Academy. According to, appointments are invitations to attend the Naval Academy. In a typical year, approximately 5,000 candidates receive nominations. However, only 1,400 appointments will be given out. Congratulations J.P. Schuchardt! (pic courtesy of Jason Smith)
Notre Dame math students competed with 600 other students from 30 schools from Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois in Math Field Day at Southeast Missouri State University on April 12, 2018. Congratulations to the following Notre Dame students: Medley Team—1st place (Yanlin Hu, Vincent Landewee, Samantha Saba, Zhixin Zhou) Trig Team—2nd place (Hannah Dodson, Kassidy …
Andrea Sachse with the Cape Girardeau Zonta Club came to speak to Mrs. Layton’s Modern Literature class (she is also a parent of some of ND alums). She travels to Haiti to do mission work in the hospitals, etc. with the Zonta Club. Modern Literature class read the book Mountains Beyond Mountains, about Dr. Paul …
Students learned gathers, making a buttonhole and sewing on a button in Clothing Construction class. So impressed! Great job students & Mrs. Davis!!
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The Clothing Constructions and Textiles class received new sewing machines this year allowing them to stitch new creations! The class, in it’s third year, is taught by Mrs. Tanya Davis in the Family and Consumer Science Department. Continuing on the lessons learned in Life Skills, students expand their knowledge of stitching techniques, types of seams, seam …
Catholic Schools Week closed today with Teacher Appreciation Day. Bishop Rice celebrated Liturgy then recognized the Faculty and Staff. Congratulations Ellen Seyer on 25 years of service to Notre Dame students! Teachers were treated to a lunch from Student Council. We love our Faculty & Staff!
Wednesday of Catholic School Week, ND celebrated Academics. Modern Music Masters Honor Society (Tri-M) and National Honor Society inducted new members. A student was honored in each academic discipline with a ND scholarship from Marian Charities.
Dr. Vargas, President of Southeast Missouri State University, visited with ND faculty and students. Dual credit was discussed as well as ways that ND and Southeast can work together for our students. The students heard from ND alumni who are now students and Southeast on ways Southeast can help them realize success in their future. …