Special Services Department
Notre Dame’s Special Service department provides a variety of support and services; including, writing, coordinating and implementing Individualized Educational Plans (IEP) and 504 plans. Additionally, the school offers multiple sections of a Resource class that is available to students for academic, organizational and social skills support.
The department also offers tier two interventions which help support some learners through co-taught general education classes. These classes allow for small groups and individualized interventions, and evaluation and observation of students.
Special Services Staff

Additional Duties: Federal Programs Coordinator; Friends of the Library Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Concordia University, NE, Masters in Education-Reading Specialist from Concordia University, NE.
Professional Memberships: IRA (International Literacy Association), ALA (American Library Association), YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association)
2024-25: 4 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Theology II; Ecumenism; Junior Composition; English III
Additional Duties: Sophomore Homeroom & Coordinator; Women in God’s Service (WinGS) Advisor; Students for Life Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: B.S. in Special Ed. from Quincy University; Master of Arts in Religious Education from Felician University; Additional Certification Endorsements: Language Arts, Music, Multiple Disabilities B-12, Behavior Intervention Specialist
Professional Memberships: Missouri Association for the Education of Young Children; National Association of Special Education Teachers; National Catholic Educational Association
2024-2025: 9 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Additional Duties: Sophomore Class Coordinator
Degrees and Certification: Bachelor of Science in History from Truman State University; Master of Arts in Special Education from Truman State University
Professional Memberships: National Catholic Educational Association
Recognitions: Notre Dame Athletic Hall of Fame member (2020)
2024-25: 6 years of service to Notre Dame High School