Department Highlights
The Science Department features several classroom labs. A number of dual credit classes are offered through Southeast Missouri State University. An Observatory is available for classes to use, including “Astronomy Night” where students in Astronomy class come to take part in observing outer space. Chemistry and Advanced Chemistry use digital textbooks and Chromebooks in the classroom.
Extracurricular Activities
Science Club

Classes: Chemistry; Advanced Chemistry
Additional Duties: ASAP Prevention Team Chairperson; Students Against Destructive Decisions Advisor; Freshman/Senior Lock-In Coordinator; Project Prom Coordinator
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Ed. from Southeast Missouri State; Masters of Arts in Natural Science from Southeast Missouri State
Professional Memberships: National Science Teachers Association; Science Teachers of Missouri; National Catholic Educational Association
Recognitions: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Distinguished Teacher of the Year (2015); Blessed John Duns Scotus Award for excellence in Franciscan Education in the discipline of Science (2017); McDonald’s Teacher of the Year (2021)
2024-2025: 38 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Freshman Physics; Advanced Physics
Additional Duties: Archery Coach
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professional Memberships: American Physics Society; American Association of Physics Teachers; National Science Teachers Association; National Catholic Educational Association
2024-25: 10 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Anatomy & Physiology; Advanced Biology; Astronomy; Physical Science
Additional Duties: Senior Homeroom & Coordinator; Science Club Advisor; Scholar Bowl Coach
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Biology from Southeast Missouri State; Master of Natural Science from Southeast Missouri State
Professional Memberships: National Science Teachers Association; National Catholic Educational Association; Board of Directors of Astronomical Association of Southeast Missouri
Recognitions: Recipient of “the Right Stuff” Award-Space Academy for Educators (2013)
2024-2025: 28 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Sophomore Biology
Additional Duties: Senior Homeroom & Coordinator; Student Council Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: B.S. in Education from Southeast Missouri State
Professional Memberships: National Catholic Educational Association; NSTA Membership
2024-25: 8 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Acting 1; Technical Theatre Practicum; Business Math; Earth Science
Additional Duties: Junior Homeroom & Moderator; Backstage Blue Advisor; Thespian Honors Society Advisor; Fall Play Director; Spring Musical Director
Degrees and Certifications: Masters in Business Administration
2024-25: 3 years of service to Notre Dame High School
The Observatory "Glastetter Hall"
The observatory is available to groups and individuals throughout the year by appointment. Contact Mr. Jerry Landewe to schedule your time:
(573)335-6772 @ school
(573)651-3865 @ home