
Senior Retreat

The Kairos Retreat is a four-day, three-night residential retreat. A number of students attend, led by a team composed of senior students and staff members. Witness talks are followed by discussion in small groups. There are other activities to promote and build community, to foster trust and openness, and to encourage reflection on relationships with self, others and God. Kairos is offered to our students three to four times a year.

Junior Retreat

The Emmaus retreat is a three-day, two-night retreat focused on the scripture passage about the travelers talking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. In the end, they recognize Jesus when He breaks the bread. The Juniors will look at their own journey as they participate in fun Christ centered activities.

Sophomore Retreat

The sophomore class spends a school day off campus learning how their Christian faith should translate into treating others with respect and dignity.

Freshman Retreat

The second day of freshman orientation is a retreat day. The day focuses on the challenges and pressures of high school as well as the importance of justice and charity.

Mission Trips

Joan Strohmeyer Mission Trip

Over the summer, Notre Dame students and faculty participate in a mission trip. San Antonio, Texas, Tuba City, Arizona, and Dulac, Louisiana are destinations for the summer mission trip. Students and faculty spend time working with the impoverished in these communities.

Franciscan Volunteer Program

The Franciscan Volunteer Program mission trip takes place in February and is a collaboration between high schools served by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn. The location rotates between the schools; Notre Dame, St. Anthony’s and Bishop Ford. Students perform outreach in each of these school communities.