The senior class took another big step into spiritual leadership by participating in the Pin Mass on August 30.
The Pin Mass is a tradition that holds great significance at the beginning of each school year. According to Director of Campus Ministry, Miss Sarah Strohmeyer, the pin seniors receive is symbolic of the qualities expected of Notre Dame students, from academics, sportsmanship, integrity, and, most importantly, apostleship.
This pin is a way for them to realize that they are the new leaders of faith that walk the hallways. From freshmen, they have grown and earned the honor of receiving this pin by becoming student leaders.
Senior Class Coordinator, Mrs. Josie Menz, said, “Half of the senior class have been on Kairos, and I can see a difference in how they accept one another. Some of the seniors have served on the student team, and I have seen them step up in leadership roles within our prayer experiences.”