Department Highlights
Notre Dame offers many opportunities for students to discover and enhance their God-given talents. Whether it is academic or extracurriculars, students can showcase their abilities and learn from our incredible faculty. Learn more about the academic opportunities in our Fine Arts Department below. Click here for a history of Notre Dame’s Performing & Visual Arts (PAVA) and upcoming events.
Any aspiring artist must first have an understanding of the basic principles of art. This is where Art Fundamentals comes in, as this class is for first year art students and will teach the students to creatively display their feelings on paper, wood, or canvas. After this class has been taken, the student will have a wide range of options such as: Drawing, Painting, World Art, 3D Design and Photoshop. Third and fourth year art students are allowed to take Advanced Art where the Bible is integrated into every project and students are given freedom to create their visions using whatever medium they choose.
Our art room expanded and a studio was added in 2012. The art rooms have a fully functional pottery wheel, two kilns, plenty of work space, frames and any supplies the students will need while creating their masterpieces.
Extracurricular Activities & Volunteering
National Art Honors Society (NAHS) is a student run organization that recognizes students for art scholarship, service and character. NAHS members host a “First Friday” walk around the art galleries in downtown Cape, and anyone is welcome to join. If you’d like to learn more about the National Art Honor Society visit their website here.
All Art students are encouraged to participate in the SEMO Art Exhibition by creating and entering their original works of art. Notre Dame regularly has students place in this contest.
Students are encouraged to volunteer at many events throughout the year. Students (particularly those in NAHS) volunteer to paint faces at community events such as Messy Morning held at the Show Me Center and the school’s musical, and have painted various murals such as the Bobcat for St. Vincent’s Grade School, St. Mary’s Grade School, the Notre Dame music room, the weight training room and various other locations around ND. Notre Dame Performing & Visual Arts also hosts an annual craft fair where students assist local vendors as they set up their booths while also selling some of their own creations to benefit the school.
Electives in the Drama Department include Dramatics, Stagecraft, Actin and Theater Production Practicum. These courses focus on all aspects of theatre production.
Dramatics is an introduction to the basic skills and values of theatrical production. The areas presented include: the structure of production, voice and body control in acting, stage movement, scene development, improvisation, characterization and the technical aspects of production. The Dramatics Class presents a public performance for their final exam.
Stagecraft is the focused study of many aspects of technical theatre. The course will explore the regular tasks in theatre production including: producer, various designers, directors, publicity, house management, stage management and various crews.
Acting is an advanced study of acting skills. It is the aim of this course to further enhance and develop the natural talents of any student.
Theater Production Practicum includes acting, directing, design and technical production.
Extracurricular Activities
The purpose of theatre activities is to help develop a wide variety of skills including: creative expression, artistic design, practical life skills, leadership abilities, group cooperation and management skills, and performance skills. We also develop pride in the product by striving to attain high quality performance goals. Along the way the students have fun and build self-esteem. The high quality of our productions is reliant on the dedication of not only the students performing roles on stage, but also on the many who work on technical crews and parents. Notre Dame Performing & Visual Arts hosts an annual craft fair. Students assist local vendors as they set up and take down their booths as well as work hospitality throughout the weekend.
Backstage Blue
International Thespians Society
Notre Dame produces a Spring Musical and Fall Play each year
Electives in the Music Department include Mixed Chorus, Concert Choir, Treble Choir, Men’s Choir, Band, Music Theory, and Music: An Artistic Expression.
Mixed Chorus strives to introduce the student to the fundamentals of voice production, to develop music reading skill and to provide experience in group singing. Mixed Chorus presents a Christmas Concert in December and performs at the Pop Concert in May.
Concert Choir, Men’s Choir, and Treble Choir require a successful audition before enrollment in the class. The Choirs compete each year at the District and State Musical Festivals. Choirs also perform at school events: Liturgy, home sporting events, assemblies, Commencement, Pop Concert and Christmas Concert. Soloists and ensembles have the opportunity to compete at the District and State Music Festivals. Soloists audition for the All-District Honor Choir in the Fall with finalists going on to the All-State Honor Choir. Juniors and Seniors audition for the Murray State University Quad State Honor Choir with many going on to perform with the Quad State Choir in Murray, KY. Male vocalists take part in the Men’s Choral Festival at Southeast Missouri State in the Fall.
Band requires prior instrumental experience in a performing or concert band. The Band competes each year at the District and State Music Festivals, and presents a concert in December and May and performs at Commencement. Soloists and ensembles also have the opportunity to compete at the District and State Music Festivals.
Music Theory and Music: An Artistic Expression are offered as three hours of dual enrollment at Southeast Missouri State University.
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Select Singers
Pep Band
Spring Musical
Spring Musicals
Notre Dame has a long tradition in musical theater! The annual musical tradition was started in 1966 with the production of The Sound of Music and continues to be successful means of involving 50 to 75% of the student body in a wide variety of performance and practical life- skills activities. The production is self-supporting as ticket sales pay for the cost of the production. The ad and patron drive associated with the musicals provides a sales opportunity that is open to the entire school. The profits from this drive continue to support the general operating budget of the school.
Fine Arts Department Staff

Classes: Art Fundamentals; Drawing I and II; Painting I and II; World Art; Advanced Art
Additional Duties: National Art Honor Society Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Art Education and Master of Arts in Secondary Education from Southeast Missouri State
Professional Memberships: National Art Education Association; Missouri Art Education Association; National Catholic Educational Association
2024-2025: 14 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: AM Men’s Choir, Interpersonal Communications, Oral Communications, Treble Choir, Music Theory, Music Appreciation, Concert Choir, Mixed Chorus
Additional Duties: Encore Club Advisor; Tri-M Honor Society Advisor; Vocal Director for Spring Musicals
Degree: B.A. in Education from Fontbonne College; M.A. in Education from Southeast Missouri State; Masters in Music Education from Southeast Missouri State
Professional Memberships: National Association for Music Education; Missouri Music Educators Association; American Choral Directors Association; Missouri Choral Directors Association; National Catholic Educational Association; Speech & Theatre Association of Missouri; National Council of Teachers of English
Recognitions: Apple for the Teacher Award-Encore Federated Music Club; Missouri Choral Directors-Outstanding District Director; National Society of High School Scholars Recognition; Member of Notre Dame’s Performing & Visual Arts Hall of Fame
2024-2025: 32 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Weight Training; Art Fundamentals; 3D Design; Introduction to Photoshop
Additional Duties: Sophomore Homeroom & Moderator
Degrees and Certifications: B.S. in Education from Southeast Missouri State; Master’s in Applied Exercise Science with a focus in Strength and Conditioning from Concordia University in Chicago; National Archery in the Schools Program Certified; CPR Certified
Professional Memberships: Missouri State Teachers Association; National Catholic Educational Association; SHAPE America
Recognitions: Rhodes Teacher of the Year (2018)

Classes: Freshman P.E.; Tap Dance; Social Dance; Jazz; Individual Sports; Team Sports
Additional Duties: Choreographer of the Spring Musical; Craft Show Organizer; PAVA Coordinator
Degrees and Certifications: Certification through Dance Masters of America, Teachers Training School; CPR, First-Aid, and AED Certified
Professional Memberships: Dance Masters of America, Inc, Chapter 21-St. Louis Dance Teachers Association; Missouri Dance Team Association; National Catholic Educational Association; USA Cheer; SHAPE America
2024-2025: 36 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Acting 1; Technical Theatre Practicum; Business Math; Earth Science
Additional Duties: Junior Homeroom & Moderator; Backstage Blue Advisor; Thespian Honors Society Advisor; Fall Play Director; Spring Musical Director
Degrees and Certifications: Masters in Business Administration
2024-25: 3 years of service to Notre Dame High School