Congratulations Class of 2023!
Notre Dame is proud to introduce our 2023 graduates. Thank you for an unforgettable four years. We are so proud of you! A schedule of senior activities is listed below, along with recognition of Honor Stoles and our 2023 Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
MONDAY | Bingo! Attend homeroom through 4th hour at Notre Dame. Report to Bingo World by 1:00 p.m. and dismiss from Bingo World.
TUESDAY | Movie day! Meet at Cape West 14 Cine by 8:00 a.m. Return to Notre Dame for the start of first lunch hour (11:35 a.m.). Students should be in Notre Dame dress code.
WEDNESDAY | Picnic! Students will picnic at Arena Park from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and wear picnic attire with modesty.
THURSDAY | Bulldogs at Busch! Cost is $30. Those who did not purchase tickets will be at Notre Dame for a regular scheduled day. Purchase tickets here.
FRIDAY | No school! Enjoy prom & project prom!
Graduates and parents/guardians only should attend. Graduates should arrive at 3:30 p.m. for pictures. Attire is formal. Girls should wear modest dress, dress shoes and have no exposed shoulders. Boys should wear shirt, tie, coat and dress shoes. Ceremony begins at 4:00 p.m. in King Hall.
Seniors can wear a t-shirt of the college they will be attending next year. Shirt should be appropriate and worn with dress code bottoms.
The Living Rosary and May Crowning will begin at 1:30 p.m. Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend. Seniors will be dismissed from 7th hour to put on graduation gowns (no caps) in the cafetorium. Attire is formal. Girls should wear modest dress, dress shoes and have no exposed shoulders. Boys should wear shirt and tie under gown and dress shoes. This event will be streamed on Notre Dame’s YouTube channel @NotreDameRegionalHighSchool
Pop Concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. in King Hall. Tickets are $5 per person and available at the door.
Seniors can wear a uniform shirt that can be signed, with uniform bottoms. Shirts should be signed in between classes or at lunch so as to not disrupt any classes. Please bring your own sharpie.
The Notre Dame Band Concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. in King Hall. Admission is free.
Exams will take place on Monday & Tuesday, with make up exams being held on Wednesday, May 17. Notre Dame dress code is required on exam days.
If your exam is on May 15, you do not have that class on May 16. If your exam is on May 16, you do not have that class on May 15. If you have no class or exam first period, you do not have to be in homeroom. If you have a first period class or exam, you do have to be in homeroom. On exam days, you are present only when you have an exam or scheduled class. Your should teacher should inform you.
All chromebook must be dropped off at the library by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16 (last day of senior finals). Notre Dame Google Apps for Education licensing will be removed from the device. Please make sure your chromebook is charged. Devices will be ready for pickup in the Commons following graduation practice on Thursday, May 18.
Attendance for Baccalaureate Mass is mandatory. Students should park on the west side of the front doors, near the Holy Family Shrine, and enter through the cafetoria door. Individual pictures in caps and gowns will be taken at 8:15 a.m. in the gym. A class picture will be taken at 9:00 a.m. (tassel should be on the left for the picture). Seniors, do not be late for pictures! Attire is formal. Girls should wear modest dress, dress shoes and have no exposed shoulders. Boys should wear shirt and tie under gown and dress shoes. Caps will not be worn during Mass. Seniors are dismissed after Mass.
Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend and should arrive by 10:00 a.m. This event will be streamed on Notre Dame’s YouTube channel @NotreDameRegionalHighSchool
Seniors should assemble in King Hall by 9:30 a.m. Do not be late. Seniors should park on the west side of the front doors, near the Holy Family Shrine, and enter through the cafetoria door. Girls should wear modest dress, dress shoes and have no exposed shoulders. Boys should wear shirt and tie under gown and dress shoes. Tassel will be on the right. Seniors will process to the gym in graduation order. Immediately following the awards ceremony, seniors will practice for the graduation ceremony. No one may leave for any reason between awards and practice. All seniors must be present for the practice, and practice ends when we get it right. Cooperation will speed dismissal. Do not make plans for the afternoon.
Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend and should arrive by 10:00 a.m. This event will be streamed on Notre Dame’s YouTube channel @NotreDameRegionalHighSchool
Graduates should arrive by 12:15 p.m. and park on the back lot and enter through the 500 wing door. Boys will dress in room 522 and girls in room 521. No parents or friends are to be in the classroom wings of the school. Seniors should not alter caps or gowns. Tassels will start on the right side. At the end of the ceremony, seniors will process to the front parking lot for a class.
Graduation begins at 1:30 p.m. Each graduate can obtain up to 10 tickets. Seniors will receive information on claiming their tickets. Claim your graduation tickets below. This event will be streamed on Notre Dame’s YouTube channel @NotreDameRegionalHighSchool
Landon Alpers
Kristin Anderson
Lauren Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Karsyn Andrews
Meredith Ash
Alex Austin
Avery Bader
Bridget Bailey
Corbin Baird
Riley Baird
Roddy Baz
Devin Beattie
Molly Bell
Jakob Besand
Maria Bleckler
Madison Bonham
Cole Bruenderman
Ainsley Burnett
Hailey Burnett
Reece Callow
Hayden Cissell
Brock Clippard
Hattie Coad
Monica Coello
Paige Compardo
Logan Dame
Jacob Dannenmueller
Donald DeLine
Gregory Dennis, II
Thomas Dittmer
William Dodson
Kadi Dohogne
Davis Dow
Tryston Duby
Kara Eftink
Kyle Eftink
Paige Elfrink
Rachel Engelen
Connor Erbst
Hayes Evans
Jackson Gaeta
Annalise Garner
Jenna Givens
Autumn Glosemeyer
Jenny Glueck
Dearmont Goodin
Blake Graviett
Lauren Griffin
Trenton Halter
Karoline Harold
Chloe Heisserer
Anna Hennemann
Michael Huston
Ethan Jackson
Olivia Jackson
David Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Kayli Johnson
Bailie Johnston
Evelyn Jones
Karlyle Kasten
Levi Kennedy
Celia Keran
Felicity Kester
Jason Landewee
Nathan Landewee
Hyungu Lee
Molly LeGrand
Cole Lemons
Katherine Lewis
Zoa Mabrey
Samuel Aden Marshall
Hayden McVay
Katherine Moon
Wil Morgan
Mason Morris
Huy Le Nguyen
Zachary Ochs
Sha’re Phelps
Elizabeth Pineda
Drew Pobst
Ava Poe
Sophie Priggel
Reagan Randolph
Seth Reed
Halle Ressel
Hannah Ressel
Emma Riney
Logan Ringstaff
Victoria Rubel
Andrew Rubi
Michael Salter
Abigail Schaaf
Ryan Schoolman
Emma Schwendemann
Emma-Claire Self
Ella Shaffar
Ellie Shaffer
Logan Spees
Emma Steimle
Reagan Thrower
Adrik Tsymberov
Katelyn Turner
Molly Turner
Haley Welter
Olivia Whitten
Stella Wright
Grace Young
Elijah Youngblood
Ali Ziegler
Evelyn Jones has been named Notre Dame Regional High School’s Valedictorian for the Class of 2023. Evelyn is the daughter of Liza and Bryan Jones of Immaculate Conception Parish in Jackson, Missouri.
“I would like to thank my parents for giving me the support needed to achieve this goal of mine,” Evelyn said.
Evelyn earned a perfect score on the ACT with a 36. She is a 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student, and a recipient of the Rural and Small-Town Recognition Award from the College Board’s National Recognition Program. She received the Missouri STEM Signing Day Scholarship, the Perfect Score Scholarship and Missouri Bright Flight.
Evelyn has earned a silver medal on the National Spanish Exam for Spanish 3 and Spanish 4, and a bronze medal for Honors Spanish 2. She also earned a silver medal on Le Grand Concours (National French Contest) for French 1. Evelyn was part of the first place Medley team at Southeast Missouri State University’s Math Field Day, and she attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Summit.
She is a member of the National Honor Society, vice president of the National Spanish Honor Society, president of the Science Club, president of Friends of the Library, vice president of Students Against Destructive Decisions, and a member of French Club, FCCLA and Peer Helpers. Evelyn also sits on the Here. Literary Magazine Editorial Board.

She received a Marian Charities Scholarship for Foreign Language, and earned Notre Dame’s Academic Excellence Award four times. She was named Notre Dame’s Spanish Student of the Year for Spanish 2, 3 and 4 classes. For all four years of high school, Evelyn was on the A-Honor Roll.
After graduation, Evelyn plans to attend the University of Missouri at Columbia to study Biochemistry on the pre-medicine track.

William Dodson, son of Rob and Heather Dodson of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, has been named Notre Dame Regional High School’s Salutatorian for the Class of 2023.
Will is a Missouri Top 100 Scholar and a recipient of the College Board Rural and Small-Town Recognition Award. He has attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Summit and has been on the A-Honor Roll for all four years of high school. He earned a bronze medal on the National Spanish Exam, and has been named student of the year for Advanced English I, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra II and Pre-Calculus.
Will is the Student Body Secretary, National Honor Society president, Fellowship of Christian Athletes secretary and a Blue Crew leader. He is also a member of Peer Helpers, Student Ambassadors, Science Club, St. Joseph’s Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions and Athletes Give Back. He has attended the Joan Strohmeyer Mission Trip and earned a varsity letter for completing over 120 hours of community service.
As a member of the varsity soccer team for four years, Will holds numerous school records. He was named All-State First Team in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and is a three-time Regional Offensive Player of the Year. He has also been on the baseball team for two seasons.
“I would like to thank everyone who has been with me every step of the way and pushed me to become the person I am today, especially my parents, my siblings, my coaches, and all the faculty and staff at Notre Dame Regional High School,” Will said.
After graduation, Will plans to attend either the University of Alabama or the University of Missouri for pre-medical studies to pursue a career in pediatrics.