Department Highlights
Notre Dame has a wide number of computers available to our students. Our Technology Lab and Business Lab have PC desktop computers and Chromeboxes available for a variety of classes. The Media Center contains student desktop computers and Chromeboxes available before school, during lunch hours, study halls and after school. There are laptops and chromebook carts located in the Library and in classrooms where curriculum dictates the need, and students and teachers can check these out throughout the day. Notre Dame is a Google G Suite for Education School.
The Business Department also houses Family & Consumer Science (FACS) courses. The FACS Lab is equipped with six kitchens. Elective courses are offered in Foods I & II, International Foods, Housing, Life Skills and Textiles. In Life Skills classes, students are taught basic sewing and must complete one garment. The textiles class takes these lessons farther with more in depth lessons on materials and techniques. Foods classes host the “Chopped” Competition where student groups compete by preparing a three-course meal for faculty judges.
Extracurricular Activities
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Future Business Leaders of America
Robotics Club (check out our YouTube Channel here)
Business Department Staff

Classes: Current Events; Computer Applications; Economics; Business Law
Additional Duties: Sophomore Homeroom & Moderator; FBLA Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: B.A. in Communications from Missouri Baptist University
Professional Memberships: Missouri State High School Soccer Coaches Association; National Soccer Coaches Association of America; National Catholic Educational Association
Recognitions: Girls Soccer Region Coach of the Year (2013); Missouri State High School Association Girls Soccer Coach of the Year (2017 & 2019)
2024-2025: 11 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Foods I; Foods II; International Foods; Life Skills; Clothing Construction; Housing and Interior Design; Child Development
Additional Duties: Junior Homeroom & Coordinator; FCCLA Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: Family and Consumer Sciences Secondary Education and a Masters of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences
Professional Memberships: Missouri Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Association; Board of Education for MoEFCS
2024-2025: 3 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Journalism, Web Broadcasting, Yearbook, Junior Composition
Additional Duties: FBLA Advisor
Degrees and Certifications: B.S. in Secondary English Education from Southeast Missouri State University
Professional Memberships: Journalism Education Association
2024-25: 8 years of service to Notre Dame High School

Classes: Computer Science; Information Technology; Advanced Technology; Government; ESL; World Languages
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Southeast Missouri State University; Master of Science in Secondary Education with an emphasis in educational technology from Southeast Missouri State University
2024-2025: 1st year of service to Notre Dame High School