The Top 10% of the Class of 2018 were recognized at the John Blue Academic Excellence Dinner Program (The Rotary Club of Cape Girardeau). Congratulations Students and THANK YOU Rotary Club!!
This week the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Team hosted our triennial Mental Health Workshops. Local professionals came to present one of 20 topics with special focus on mental health, healthy decision-making and coping strategies, and educational awareness in these areas. We greatly appreciate the speakers sharing their expertise with our students! A big thank …
Lexi Welter and Dawson Dohogne were recognized at the All-Conference Basketball Banquet in Poplar Bluff.
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ND students, faculty, and staff celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation today. Fr. Michael Casteel and Fr. John Harth celebrated a beautiful Liturgy. Brother David blessed the Spring sports athletes and uniforms. Families joined us for a double picnic lunch. Food and smiles could be found all around campus.
KBSI Fox 23 featured Lily Parker and Molly Sellers as they discussed the upcoming musical, Meet Me in St. Louis. The show runs April 5-8. Reserved seating is $10. Tickets are on sale NOW » Purchase Tickets watch business break
ND students and staff participated in a prayer service for the victims of school violence. Please join us in praying for peace! kfvs coverage
Andrea Sachse with the Cape Girardeau Zonta Club came to speak to Mrs. Layton’s Modern Literature class (she is also a parent of some of ND alums). She travels to Haiti to do mission work in the hospitals, etc. with the Zonta Club. Modern Literature class read the book Mountains Beyond Mountains, about Dr. Paul …
ND celebrated Sophomore Day this week. Sophomores enjoyed an ND dress down day, pizza double lunch and a good game of dodge ball won by Mr. Richard Bohn's homeroom #408!
Notre Dame celebrated the Freshman yesterday! The freshman enjoyed a dress down day, snacks during classes and no homework (at the teacher's discretion), double pizza lunch with a homeroom battle of ultimate frisbee. Mrs. Brinkmeyer's homeroom 519 came out the champions!
Congratulations to 2002 graduate Timothy Wencewicz!! Tim was awarded a 2018 Sloan Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Tim received his bachelor of science in chemistry and mathematics from Southeast Mo State and his PhD in chemistry from University of ND. He is currently an assistant professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences …