Cape Girardeau, Mo – The Annual Activity Week held at Notre Dame Regional High School began item sales and auctions on Friday, September 24, and ended on Saturday, October 2. The Week of Sunday Dinners began on September 27 and ended on September 30. The purpose of Activity Week is to involve students, staff, parents, and the community in raising funds to reduce the operating budget of the school.
Many activities and promotions took place from September 24 through October 2 including raffles, auctions, magazine subscriptions, candy, pizza, trash bags, and fruit. September 27 through September 30, each class hosted a public dinner serving an average of 1,390 people each night. In addition to the all-school items and public dinners, classes sold a variety of class-specific items. All of these items and events came together to generate an Activity Week profit of: $239,216.15!
“What a community we live in,” said Principal Tim Garner. “Without the tremendous support of the community, our Activity Week could not have been as successful. They showed up each night for dinners and have supported our students the entire week. Our parents are fantastic and have put in so much additional time this week volunteering in so many different ways. The students and faculty have brought energy and excitement all week long and have supported one another to make this another memorable year. They have worked tirelessly all week long and have shown their pride in being an ND Bulldog in the daily assemblies, the dinners, the work projects. I am so proud to be a part of this Notre Dame Family and I’m so proud of our students for their energy and effort.”
The Senior Class provided the largest profit per capita raising a total of $83,163.56 bringing in $729.51 per student. As the winners, Senior Class candidates Will Richards and Carolyne Cork were crowned King and Queen at the Activity Week Dance on Saturday night.