Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! The egg hunt will be held on Thursday, April 10, at the Notre Dame Track Complex. Activities begin at 4:30 p.m. with face painting, pictures with the Easter Bunny and more! The egg hunt will start at 5:30 p.m. and participants will be divided by the age groups listed below. Find the golden egg for a special prize!

Age Groups
1-3 Year Olds (parent can help child with hunt)
4-6 Year Olds (child only)
7-12 Year Olds (child only)

The cost is $12 per child. Proceeds benefit Notre Dame students competing at FCCLA state. Register in advance below, or pay at the event. Contact Crystal Smith for questions at crystalsmith@notredamecape.org or 573.335.6772 ext. 312.