Coming into the winter season, the pep band is preparing their entertainment for Notre Dame home basketball games. Pep band focuses on choreographed musical entertainment for fans and teams during games. The band will play classic sport specials and requested songs by students while helping school spirit and also raising morale. Mr. Ben “Profe” Edwards, …
The winter season is starting up for the Notre Dame archery team, and they are looking to come out with “guns” blazing, with goals to head to state through strong performances within the season. “Our main goal is definitely to head to state, hopefully in both target and 3D shooting,” said Coach Mary Beth Green. …
The ND Scholar Bowl season is underway, with competitions often taking place on Saturdays and rotating around the school district, meaning lots of early mornings and travelling. Putting hours of dedication toward the common goal as a team means the team members will be challenging each other to see what groups they best fit into. …